Part 2 Steve (Siyuan) Tian Character Analyze (Gatsby) and Connect It to Part 1

Part 2 
  We all know that Gatsby is an important character in "The Great Gatsby" But why his American Dream break down? let's see.            👀👀👀 


    💋 Wealthy
         💋 Self-abased
   💋 One of lost generation
             💋 Idealistic
     💋 Clinging to love

✒ Self-abased: Gatsby was born in a poor family and he never acknowledged his parents as his parents, this is the reason for his self-based. This can be proofed by that he always lie on his  family background and life experience, if he don't mind it why he need lie? 🤔
✒ Lost generation: He joined the army and fought in World War 1 after he meet Daisy.
✒ Wealthy: Gatsby made a lot of money by illegal sale of alcohols.
✒ Clinging to love: He loved Daisy, he is willing to do anything for Daisy — He bought a house🏡 accross from Daisy's house and waste lots of money every weekend, "I think he half expected her to wander into one of his parties, some night," (Fitzgerald 85) He can even pretended the crime that kill Myrtle by car for Daisy.
✒ Idealistic: He considered himself is the son of god. Gatsby believed that equality can be achieve through wealth and thought that if he has money, he has the qualification to marry Daisy. But his love is just a beautiful fancy

In my opinion,  the American Dream is a world that only exists in fantasy and cannot achieve because most people only care about themselves and there are too little sincerity and care to others. 😔😔😔

In the secority, many people now around you, may be only because a variety of interests interwoven degree🎁, when you are not in its place, perhaps those people will be like the cloud and mist in the past because you don't have usefulness for them. If there's no sincere, the relationship is superficial, how can the American Dream come true!? It's impossible!

          Gatsby always keeps a pure heart of love in this age of greed and vanity society, this is both why he is great and he failed. This is a contradiction that he can do illegal thing to make money but he is like a fool in love even though Daisy is not Daisy in his heart. He take all responsibility on he shoulder to protect Daisy but Daisy even didn't answer the phone which invited her to his funeral. Why? Because Daisy only think about herself, she need escape this place so that she won't have relation to this crime.😭 The other people is same, they enjoyed in the party,🍔🍟🌭🍿🥓🧀🥖🥯🥨🥐🍞🥞   but they won't come if there are no party anymore whatever what happened. Gatsby's friends didn't come, too. Since Gatsby died, his money is gone and Gatsby lose his usefulness for them. Therefore, the American Dream is just perfect and imaginary world.

                                     🌞Did Gatsby achieve?

        There's no doubt that he didn't achieve his American Dream.  Gatsby is a dreamer. He is the embodiment of the American dream, in the story, his death💀 is also the death of The American Dream. 
        "He had come a long way to this blue lawn and his dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it." (Fitzgerald 193)

                                    🎈 Who need to change?
        Actually, has a lot of bad habits which don't fit for the a gentleman — he likes to say "old sport" and easy to lose temper. So, he should change. Also, he can be more realistic and don't trapped inthe love just in the memory. Or, he can be more cunning when facing Daisy. But he won't be Gatsby any more if he do these, and he American Dream won't exist, his love will become flighty☁ just like Daisy and Tom. He won't fail if he doesn't have dream. However, these aren't the best way, the best way iss the hardest which almost can't realize — change the society. If there's love and sincere between lover💑 friends👯‍♂️ and strangers👨🧔, when people not only think of benefits, the American Dream will be closer to us. But it seems impossible.

 💪The brother of big hero — 
                                         great hero Gatsby


 👈👈👈 👈👈👈👈

Gatsby died because of Daisy.                                                             Teedy died because of Callaghan. Both of them have pure heart to others. 


                 👈👈👈 👈👈👈👈


Daisy and Tom lead Gatsby died to escape the responsibility of car accident. And Callaghan lead teddy died because he make a fire to obtain the invention of hiro.

    Other people in society is like Cray that only focus on benefits. No one care about Gatsby after he died, Cray did't care the safe of Callaghan's daughter.

        These are the connection between " the Great Gatsby" and "Big Hero 6". And they both reflect the American Dream is just fantasy because of bad ethos of society.


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