PART 2 -- Connor (Xiaohan) Xu -- The idealized Gatsby and the American Dream

The idealized Gatsby and the American Dream

Gatsby's Personality:

Gatsby is a man full of fantasy, optimism, and romance, even a little naive. He is unrealistic that he can get what he wants through money. He also obtained money through improper ways and concealed his true identity. These qualities caused his wealth, but also caused a tragedy.

American Dream:

For me, the American dream is idealistic. The United States wants to separate itself from the world to strengthen American capabilities. But this is optimism because the world is different from before. Choosing to be isolated from the world will only gradually lose America's position.

  How are they connected? 

It is impractical for America to break away from the world, just like Gatsby. In The Great Gatsby, he said, ‘I’m going to fix everything just the way it was before. ’ He thinks he can go back to the past as if nothing had happened. But how can a person change his past, this is obviously an idealized idea! Gatsby did not realize his dream and eventually became a tragedy. Gatsby needs to change because he did not recognize his image in others' eyes. He thinks he can get Daisy if he has money, but in Daisy's mind, he is still a new money and lower than her status. Daisy is flawless in his mind, but in fact that Daisy has become the past. These all Gatsby's fantasy! 

The American dream is the same with blind arrogance. Like Daisy, the world is no longer the world before. It is difficult for America to return to the previous era. And the various policies of America to withdraw from the world are the same as Gatsby's continuous cover-up. The American dream cannot be achieved by repairing the wall on the border between the US and Mexico. This is a kind of protectionism and a manifestation of hostility towards other countries. The American dream is just to cover up itself, making people feel that America is still stuck in the era of the previous world of hegemony. These are the same as Gatsby's fantasy, they are hard to become true. 


  1. Hello Connor:
    This is your good frend Harrison! ╰( ̄Ο‰ ̄o)
    Your idea of the connection really let me enjoy it! which show how the American dream affected the country today.

    1. The wonderful job : It is really a good job to use the news of the " Mexico–United States barrier " to connect to the American dream, which could mostly reflect the impossible of the world to get back to the world before. It is the wrong thinking nowdays to get the protectionism like before, since the world change. It clearly shows what the American dreams' disadvantage-- hard to change.
    By the way, the clear paragraph is another advantage, the simple paragraphs with highlighted important words really make me enjoy your words. Not like others which has too much emoji and like the web page ads to bother me reading the paragrphs.

    2. Problem: Although your idea is good, your example is short and you need to add more example to support your idea. The less evidence would not make a solid proof to the good topic.

    3. Improve: to improve, you should explain your idea more detail-- sothat you could get more chance to add examples, especially connected to your opinion, and you need more pictures and add the introducttion words at the beginning to attract more people. But remenber to add the picture, but not the emoji to destroy the well organized paragraphes.

  2. Hey! what's up Conner, This is the person you never want to meet— Devil Oliver!! Today I gonna comment your blog. ARE YOU SCARY??? That’s Too late, I am coming!!!
    Hum…I have to say, your blog is organized. Very organized. It’s hard to say but is better than me. (only this part XD) Each step requested by the teacher can be found on your blog. That’s greet. Then, your idea is good. I love your idea about Mexico–United States barrier. It is creative. Make readers (like me) more interested to read. Well done
    Yep, you also have something need to be improve. First. Even you use different color in your blog. It is still looks so…formal. It is doesn’t look like a blog but like an essay. Maybe you should add some emoji(just like my part 2. LOL) Or more picture, can make your blog more lively. Only one picture is not enough.
    Hum…your idea is great. But it seems like not very related to this book. At least in your blog. You should explain more about your idea. And make it really connect.
    That all folk! Hope it helps!
    Oliver Wang


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