Part3:I think Hao ’s thesis is very good but I need to add more about the arguments in the article, so that he can better reflect his theme. At the same time, I think Hao needs to add his analysis list in the first part. It can be seen that the difference and change of the American dream can also make the article more contrasting. Then my suggestion is that Hao can make the paper clearer and how to add pictures to make the article easier to understand. These are my opinion

All dreams have souls, 
If the dream loses its soul, it can only be a dream. The dream will eventually wake up and be disillusioned, no matter what it is! 
Part I: 
Let's first understand what the American dream is: 
The American dream in the declaration of independence in 1776 is a dream and a power! It inspires all Americans who are unwilling to submit to fate to dream of creating a country based on equality, democracy and freedom! 
After two world wars and the efforts of the American people, it has become the world's No. 1 capitalist power. Have a strong scientific and technological force and military force! 
What is the American dream for individuals? 
It's a belief: as long as you have courage, creativity and determination, you can get a better life through hard work. Since 1776, Americans have believed in the American dream. The American dream is the spiritual driving force that motivates individuals to succeed! There are many idols in America that inspire us to realize our dreams through struggle! 
In recent years, the United States in reality is full of contradictions and unity: 
The country has become very strong and progressive! 
However, due to the continuous improvement of living standards, the high expenditure in life and the low income in personal production, coupled with the unprecedented economic contraction and low income, has become a sharp social contradiction. 
The distribution of social wealth is not balanced, the gap between the rich and the poor is growing, and class consolidation is becoming more and more obvious. More and more far from the fairness of the American dream. Everyone began to think about their own life, with money and material as the first goal, gradually away from the dream, becoming a slave in real life! 
In recent years, according to a survey of what the America 

n dream is for different people on the website of business Insider: 
1. A $1 to $2 million house 
2. Have a checking account with a minimum deposit of $7425 
3. Overseas travel twice a year 
4. Own a car worth at least $38000 
5. The annual income of the family shall be at least more than 185000 US dollars 
6. At least 35000 US dollars at home 
7. Own a vacation house 
8. Weekend vacation 
9. Ability to employ family cleaners 
10. Children go to private schools 
11. First class 
12. Buy food in the whole foods market 
We will find that more and more people turn the American dream into the pursuit of material and money, which is the social situation that pulls people from dreams into reality. 
The reason why America is strong is that all of us strive for our dreams together. The American dream is the beacon and power to guide us forward! But the reality is that most people are defeated by reality, and only dream, no soul. 
What if the American dream had no soul? 
It will be interpreted as that everyone is for the benefit and money is the highest goal. The whole society is full of turbulence and conspiracy, the soul will not be placed. The Great Gatsby is a wonderful performance of the inspiration of the American dream to one person and the sad ending of regret! It explains the social state if there is no dream! 
Part II: 
In Gatsby, we can see another major contradiction of the American dream, that is, the contradiction between imagination and reality. 
Gatsby was only thirty-two when he died, but in his short life, he had gone through different stages of the evolution of the American dream. 
Gatsby was born into a poor peasant family in the Midwest. From the self-discipline timetable and personal determination he made before, we can see that he has been determined to become a useful talent since he was young, and he is very strict with himself in all aspects and works hard. As his father said, he was "destined to be a man of distinction.". This is the spirit of the American dream. 
After that, he gradually gave up his personal determination when he was a child and concentrated his ideal on one thing: money! 
I changed my mind after my dream was broken! It also objectively shows that the whole United States has become a society of mercenary and moral chaos. 
From the Great Gatsby, we can see that Gatsby thinks that he has succeeded, but from the perspective of the American dream, his dream has deviated and will never reach the goal. 
When we have a deep understanding of the Great Gatsby and reflect on what causes this social phenomenon, I think it requires profound social changes to guide the direction of personal dreams. 
The amount of money does not mean success. The true definition of success enables people to realize their own values in different fields and different roles, and it must be recognized by the society. The social system recognizes these diverse values, and can solve the material basis problems of everyone, reduce class antagonism, so as to guide everyone's thoughts and return to the original intention of the American dream. 
However, in reality, the gap between the rich and the poor is growing, and there are more and more inequalities in family, education, work and so on. These social contradictions have become more and more acute and discordant. Only through social system reform can we change the status quo. 
But the power of social change is also in the hands of a small number of rich people, who are the most elite and also the beneficiaries. Finally, change is a wish. The American dream is more and more far away from the public. 


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