Part 1 Nancy (Yuxin) Gao American nightmare

Hi!!This belongs to Nancy!!!!

From my perspective, the American dream is an instigator😱😱😱😱for creating depression ☠ 💔 💔 💔 💔inside people's mind😵😵😵😵

My American dream is to grow up
and become a psychologist🎓🎓🎓🎓, but my science performance is not very well, and in China🇨🇳 🇨🇳 🇨🇳 🇨🇳 🇨🇳 , if you study liberal arts📝📝📝📝, it means you are completely away 🚫🚫🚫from psychology,

so my dream was shattered in the cruel reality😨 😭😨 😭, and then I was depressed 😩 😩 😩 😩 😩for a long time.


According to a media research survey📖📖📖,

that the Americans is a substantial increase in premature
😈😈😈😈in the last decade🕐🕐🕐. There has been an increase ↗️↗️↗️in suicides⚰ ⚰ ⚰ ⚰ ⚰
and deaths due to drug and alcohol abuse. 

The American dream is about to turn into the American nightmare😫 😫 😫 😫as disillusionment with the American dream leads to a spike in suicide rates❌❌❌❌. That's because between 2001 and 2017, 42,500 factories🏭🏭🏭across the country closed, cutting 5.5 million jobs💰💰💰. For the American proletariat, the loss of well-paid jobs means more than abject poverty💵💵💵💵 -- along with the loss of a job comes the loss of self-esteem 👍👍👍👍and meaning. Of course, they can
rely on part-time jobs at fast-food restaurants 🍔🍔🍔or car washes 🚗🚗🚗for a while. But they have no hope 🌅🌅🌅🌅of educating their children or earning a decent pension for themselves. It will not starve them to death, but it will destroy 💨💨💨💨their sense of self. The result was widespread alcoholism, drug 💊💊💊💊use, and a suicide epidemic 💣💣💣💣in America. 

In recent years, the emergence of the American dream is mostly in the form of negative 😨😨😨news. Because most of them are accompanied by words like suicide🔪🔪🔪
and depression😢😢😢When people fail to get what they want, people will feel the end 🌑🌑🌑 of the road, and at this time he does not get the support of the same ethnic 👪👪👪group (such as relatives or friends). Therefore, the unrealizable "American Dream" directly led to the funeral⚰ ⚰ ⚰ ⚰ ⚰.

I think the American dream exists in an idealistic 👼👼👼way. The dream of obtaining unlimited
wealth 💲💲💲and status 👤👤👤through personal struggle only exists in the idealistic life💫💫💫. Because only a small number of people realize the American dream, most people have blind 🙈🙈🙈illusions about the American dream and their dreams are disillusioned😯😯😯 in reality, and the psychological gap 📈📈📉📉caused by the failure of most people to realize their ideal life will directly lead to irreversible destruction💢💢💢💢. SoAmerican dream is an instigator 😱😱😱😱for creating depression    inside people's mind.


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