Part 1 -- Standford (Botao) Su -- American Dream is Individuals' Awareness of Their Uniqueness

What is the American Dream?? Let Standford show you its exact ideas!

Our world is appealing and wonderful because of changes and differences! πŸ˜€πŸ˜€The same is true of individual abilities. People’s skills in certain domains can differ widely from those of their parents due to genetic variation. I think that the American Dream is the success awareness of uniqueness and independence, because it gives people chances to pursue what they want without swayed by others, and individuals may be their ideal selves with only their own efforts.πŸ‘

With these ideas, I was confident enough to participate in the China High School Biology Olympiad, although no one in my family had ever studied biology beforeπŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯. In my tough learning process, my parents tried numerous times to suggest me not to go on. However, I have always kept confidence and enthusiasm for life scienceπŸ’—. What was more important was that I knew the importance of being firm in my free choice and my forte. In this way, I managed to maintain my freedom, opportunities to choose and my dream. ☀

Since dreams and desires differ as to different people, the meanings of independence and freedom range widelyπŸ‘‰≠ . This is the key point in the American Dream. This article is about changes in American people’s independence, and it states that “we need to stop thinking of independence as a binary concept: either dependent or independent, and young people in America today cannot be easily labeled 'dependant' or "independent'.”.  In my view,  people's awareness of their uniqueness is the prerequisite of such phenomenons, so the article implies that the essence of the American Dream is differences and uniqueness.

I strongly believe that it is the differences in independence that enable people to have opportunities to achieve their personal dreams. Although sometimes economic factors can influence dreams significantly, I think that people’s failures to achieve personal dreams can always be attributed to the lack of belief in independence and difference. The reason for this may be the impact of their friends and people’s backward ideas. They may not believe in themselves, because their relatives and friends are not capable of doing thatπŸ˜₯. However. the idea of genetic variation implies that we are different from anyone else. As the article states, people's independence is different, which enables us to have uniqueness and various potential. Therefore, we might manage to chase our personal dreams independently but others cannot!!😎 In certain domains, others have to rely on assistance but some people do not. As a result, the American Dream is presented in the way of the article.

Since the article suggests that people have been independent in a broad range, the majority of American Dreams are realistic when people stick to their ideals independently.πŸ’ͺ In my opinion, if people can be firm in their own dreams and ideals without influenced by stereotypes and other people, their American Dreams are likely to be achieved in their pursuit of ideals! That process is the best chance for people to find out their uniqueness and potential!πŸ˜ƒ


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