Part 2 Lynn(Runlin) Dong

Hi, this is Lynn! 

In the Great Gatsby, Daisy is the most mysterious and complicated character. Just as Daisy’s name, her appearance is as beautiful as a flower🔅🔅. However, her personality is so vain and selfish😨. She easily abandoned Gatsby and married with Tom only because Tom has money and status, though she was supposed to wait for Gatsby to come back from war. For Daisy, her own happiness and success is established on money and fame. Therefore, to realize her own “American Dream”, she has to choose from her old love and her carefree future, and Daisy immediately selects the latter.😞


Do you remember my definition of American dream in the last part? As I said before, the American Dream is a dream which advocates self-accomplishment. In order to realize our own success, we will focus more on ourselves, and gradually we will have less patience and empathy to listen to others and understand each other. The emotion connection will vanish, and all of us will become islands. 💔The world will full of selfish people with cold blood in the end…😞😔


For Daisy, her American Dream is having money and status. Tom is an old-money, and he has all the things Daisy dreams of. Therefore, Daisy easily abandoned Gatsby’s love and became Tom’s wife. However, when she noticed that Tom had a mistress, she just chose to ignore it like it never happened. 😓The marriage is just a tool for Daisy to grasp her American Dream. Her disregard and inaction of maintaining their relationship reflect her selfishness and indifference. 😟It shows that when a person is chasing after his American Dream, he will focus too much attention on his own career and gradually become isolated from others.


From my perspectiveDaisy does achieve the American Dream😬. Daisy’s American Dream is having money and status. After she married Tom who is an old-money, she got the upper-class life she wanted.😮 However, she focused too much on herself and gradually became selfish and indifferent😵“The butler came back and murmured something close to Tom’s ear whereupon Tom frowned, pushed back his chair and without a word went inside. As if his absence quickened something within her Daisy leaned forward again, her voice glowing and singing.” For Daisy, she doesn’t care whether her marriage is happy.😰 She just selfishly grasps it like grasping the American Dream. However, though this selfishness can bring happiness for Daisy on surface, she still loses the true love and caring from others since she has isolated herself with others. Therefore, it’s better for Daisy to focus less on herself and pay more attention to her marriage and relationship with Tom. 😏😏

Both of the woman in the movie and Daisy are selfish and indifferent😟. Their selfishness is reflected in ignoring others’ feeling for their own sake.😦 In the movie JOKER, The woman on the bus ignores Arthur’s kindness with biases.She judged Arthur with stereotype and assumed Arthur  was trying to hurt her son. Therefore, she ordered Arthur to stop bothering her son from his “bad influence”.😩 For Daisy, when she married Tom, she selfishly abandoned Gatsby’s love and chased after her own American dream. She ignored Gatsby's feeling and just did what she wanted. it seems like in a corrupted world, people will gradually only focus on themselves and become selfish in the end.


  1. Standford(Botao)'s Personal Comment for Lynn's Part 2:

    This is one of your laziest classmates in the class, Standford. Your blog is easy for me to read, because it is free from grammatical mistakes. What is more important is that I particularly enjoy your deep analysis of Daisy, and your views are close to mine.
    My favorite part of your blog is where you connect your character with your definition of American Dream. You mentioned that "Her disregard and inaction of maintaining their relationship reflect her selfishness and indifference". I strongly admire this, because you made a successful conclusion about Daisy's characteristics and her American Dream. Her indifference about her love is clearly manifested by the yellow mark pen you used.
    However, not everything was so successful. In the last paragraph, you started by "Both of the woman in the movie and Daisy are selfish and indifferent". As a blog, you may need to introduce your media to your readers first before analyzing it deeply.
    To improve, you should not give a conclusion directly about how the woman in the movie and Daisy's selfish are similar in the last step. You may need to elaborate on it more.

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  4. Hi Lynn. I’m Jeffrey
    Great work on the analysis of Daisy’s character. The fact that you introduce symbolism to liken her beauty to the literal meaning of her name is just genius. It is also very educating as you summarize the entire role she plays in the movie in a single line. The examples you use to support your claims makes it even easier to understand what you mean.
    (A)The part on Daisy’s American dream is the part I think was not very effective and it could use more examples to try and explain why the points you bring up are representative of her American dream. It is not misplaced but rather just needs more examples to support the point.
    (B)You could improve on your blog overall by using vocabulary specific to maybe the qualities or the traits that you are explaining in the characters.


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