Part 1-- Harrison (Yiyang) Gao -- American dream always let people lost their money

I think the American dream always be the excuse of companies to use to persuade public to buy things they so not need, in order to get benefit from the impulse purchase.
Nowadays, the American dream always to pursue new and creativity. It seems that the companies always to create new things and make our life more modern, and they always try to show how many advantages they added in the new product. Like the advertisement in 2016 coca cola, the new 0 coke makes the couple or maybe the lover enjoy their new life.
high technology-- new and creative
The words taste more and looks more always to persuade the youth to try some new things. Just like they are new and be energetic. The lover maybe new meet, they are trying to enjoy each other when they met new partners. Even this could be let the young people to try new and sweet love

       But the main purpose in this propaganda is to show their new product. Using the most acceptable and popular way always can get people favor and let their “new” products to be sold more to keep the level of their benefits or even gets more profits. $$$

It is so common for the companies to use these means to sell products, even for the games.
       For myself, the impulse buying is also bother me. when I look some advertisement, I always get utterly will to have the thing they try to sell, even it could totally mean useless for me.
       I am a game fan, who like assassin's creed so much. But for the latest 3 games, I just preordered but did not even get downloaded, maybe for my computer has not so much place, but mostly because it makes me not interested in them. Their introduction video always makes me crazy about the new game.
new assassin's creed advertisement
       From the advertisements, I could sense the game have new background or deeper meaning under it, but when I really bought and try to play, nothing sparkling in my eyes! The method is totally different, but just new character, new background and old brands.
brands/logo  symbol

       Like the coke, it stresses new 0 sugar, but could it taste differently? No way! I found that they are cheating, the main purpose is not to entertain the customer, but to benefit from their old and famous brands! All their new is to set up a new and creation, but in fact, nothing be really new—just to steal money for a new reason!
So, the American dream is displayed by idealistic which always to show the new and modernize to our life, but in fact there are less new and creativity, only spent their brands to get benefits from over-advertising. The American dream is just an excuse in our mind but never to come true.
The game:
The coke:


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