Part 2--Althea (Mei) Lyu-- Trap of Consumerism


πŸ’₯ From the "The Great Gatsby" way about The American DreamπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

HELLO, everyone! First I think
   Gatsby can show the American Dream which is corroded by the capitalism.πŸ˜… He think if he have enough money and upper classes, Daisy will love πŸ’˜him. But actually when he have enough money his American Dream still broken.πŸ’”πŸ’” His impregnable believe to the money and value, enjoy the impossible dream like even Daisy was married, he still want to achieve his goals. πŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽHe imitated the upper classes doing and lie to others, he think he can use this way to join the Old Money, but it’s unrealistic. πŸ˜“The real Old Money can find the truth immediately, the distance between New Money and Old Money was hard to change. 


 In my opinion🧐, I think American Dream changed by the consumerismπŸ’ΈπŸ’ΈπŸ’Έ, make people think the money is their American Dream. The capitalism grasp the economicπŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘, so they make the swindle of the value and build the swanky, the demand of vanity and frame to the material of consumerism.πŸ‘€ The capitalism and brands use the advertisements and collective consciousness to influent people’s appreciation of the beauty and decision of value.πŸ’ƒ The American Dream become materialize and do not have the aspire of spiritual.

Let's welcome GATSBY  !!!

In the novel, “The Great Gatsby” wrote by Francis Scott Key FitzgeraldπŸ’πŸ’, the main character GatsbyπŸ™ totally show the American Dream under the consumerismπŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦. His American Dream is theπŸ’“ love with Daisy, πŸ’“but the way he chose to achieve his American Dream surprised was the money and status.πŸ’‘ He thought the love can exchange by the money, so he preteen he was the Old Money but it was useless, the real Old Money can find the flaw quickly,πŸ‘‰ like finally the capitalism arrange whole things. Gatsby thought the money and classes are the enemy of his love, πŸ™‰πŸ™‰πŸ™‰but actually the interval of New Money and Old Money is his problem. This like people think the value of product can assist their American Dream. πŸ™…At last, this idea make Gatsby broke his American Dream.  πŸ˜

WHY??? πŸ’¨πŸ’¨πŸ’¨πŸ’¨πŸ’¨πŸ’¨πŸ’¨πŸ’¨πŸ’¨

Because of the error attention on value and treasure. Gatsby wanted to join the Old Money, πŸ˜›he imitated their behaviour and habit, 😎😎but he fall to the trap of capitalism. On the other hand, we all know the love is the huge part of Gatsby’s American Dream which is the lady —Daisy.πŸ’ Daisy’s beautiful appearance and money worship inner just like the American Dream is manipulated in the consumerism.😈 Like the people only see the luxury and the value of outside the American Dream. πŸ’’This will make the American Dream failure finally, even they achieve the money, they don’t know how to spend them. They put the money and luxury to be their target and don’t know what under them is. ✋✋

The murderer -------- the WORLD 🌍🌎🌏
The social and people’s main value definition should be change,❌ they should focus on the spiritual world insist of the hylic world, the marketing made by πŸ˜–consumerism should be prevent.  The society should make a more equal environment for people to achieve their dream,😢😢 like the George in “The Great Gatsby, he thought he had the investment but it actually a fraud. The consumerism will make the rich people more richer and the poor people more poorer. 😑So they should decrease the distance of the classes


     Gatsby’s failure connect to my media example, πŸ‘»which have the same factor is the  misunderstanding of the products. They both follow the way which capitalism want them to think about. πŸ˜—Like Gatsby think if he has the money and the behaviour, he will be the Old Money as same as the people own the products they have the status.πŸ™ˆ They all focus on value not themselves. They don’t understand not the products have value but the people have. πŸ’žTherefore, they imitate their life but not change themselves, the capitalism only sells items not the capital.πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡


comment Aria


  1. Hi!!!!!!!!!! Althea!!!πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž
    I'm your friend Aria.πŸ’“πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ
    Here is my comment for your part 2. Your blog is so fantasticπŸ’˜ and colorfulπŸ’«

    A) Good Job!!!
    I think your blog is very clear and organized. Your idea is unique and close to our life by having a connection with the luxuries, which helps us to understand it better. From it, I can see your definition of the American Dream, which is the trap of consumption directly. Your analysis of why Gatsby's American Dream broke is very detailed and full of logic. In the Step 1, you add the Gatsby's reason of doing those things which is better for us to read.

    B)Parts that weren't successful
    For step 6, your topic is connected with the brand-Chanel, but I did not a specific connection between them. Besides, I did not see your quotations from the book. I did not get your meaning in some of your sentences. You may need to be more logical.

    C) parts to improve
    I think that adding more quotations is better for you to explain and to improve your ideas. Before you update, you can read more times for better organization of logic. Adding more connection between Gatsby and Chanel is better know their similar points.


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