Part 2 Oliver (Shuo) Wang

HI πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†Welcome to Oliver’s part 2!! πŸ˜ΈπŸ˜ΈπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ
First, thank you so much for continuing to readπŸ‘€…I know it is toughπŸ˜₯…actually, it is a tough assignment.πŸ˜–πŸ˜– We need to have our own opinions on the American dream and also need to find the American dream in Gatsby…what the f!πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’ I'm a Chinese coming to Canada. And I need to study the American dream here?😑😑😑 Are you kidding me? 😈😈😈alright…anyway, it is our assignment. I need to do it Seriously. SO… LET’S GET IT START!!!!!✌✌✌

The Character I choose is James Gatz. ✌You might say who this man is?πŸ˜… Actually, he is Jay Gatsby!!! Surprise!!! πŸ˜†these two guys are the same, but not such same...It's a little difficult to understand, huh?😐 I will explain in detail laterπŸ˜‰
In my thoughts, when you talk about the American dream, the first word in my mind is—freedomπŸ˜€, and the second word is —equalityπŸ˜†. Indeed, since America become a country, it has been a beacon of freedom, equality, and opportunity.πŸ’ͺ For centuries, America has always been the best starting point for people eager to succeed.πŸ‘ People believe that whatever you from, in America you can be anything at all.πŸ’ͺIn the book “The Great Gatsby” James Gatz become to Jay Gatsby, is a typical example of achieving American dream. πŸ‘His changes prove that the American dream is achievablebut it also proves that the American dream is unachievable😭

You can be anything at all is not equal to you can be anything you want.πŸ˜• James Gatz has truly become Jay Gatsby. But it does not mean that he is satisfied.πŸ˜‘ Gatz is his old day's history…and history cannot change…no matter what name he changed to. That guy— Midwest farmer’s son would never disappear.😰 So even he reshapes his identity as an important and wealthy person. He still cannot forget the old days of poverty.😷 Also, though he becomes very rich, very powerful. That old money still looks down on him.πŸ’’πŸ’’ They think he is just an upstart. Even he is rich right now, the inside of him is still a barbarian.πŸ‘Ί For Gatsby, his childhood poverty caused him to aspire to be recognized by society and old moneys. πŸ’”πŸ’”So he tried so hard pretending to be old money and hold luxurious parties every week.

Obviously, money may bring happiness, but it may not necessarily win status. 😧Gatsby tried his best to please Daisy with an old-money background. But Daisy still chose Tom. Because if Gatsby is chosen, her social status will be reduced.😱😱😑😑

Gatsby naively thought that he could change everything he wants.πŸ˜‚ But the fact is no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't become real old money. 😣So, from this point of view, Gatsby’s American dream is unachievable😭

But, do you remember that what is the American dream said?πŸ˜… “All men are created equal” Thomas Jefferson writes this sentence on the declaration of independence. πŸ˜‚Now, it just like a bullshit! πŸ’©Sorry to say the bad word, but tell me where is the equality? πŸ’’πŸ’’Is Gatsby wrong? Of course not! πŸ˜‘ Even his ideas are naive, but he just wants to chase the equality. What should change is not Gatsby, but the whole society. Or just change that sentence like an animal farm— “All man are created equal, but someone more equal than others.”😠😠

Finally, go back my media example. I just want to say that almost 100 years past. But American society seems nothing changes at all. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚Some obvious social issues like Economic inequality, Police corruption, Discrimination, and Hedonism still exist and become more serious.😞

 And those immigrants who have the American dream, Cover their eyes with stars and stripes.😧 Thus ignoring the serious problems of American society.πŸ˜‚ In their hearts, they always believe in the American Dream, always believe that we can be anything we want. 

Just like Jay Gatsby, 😩he believes that he can change everything he wants. But in the end, he can only die alone in his own pool. 😭😭😭The American dream is a dream. Gatsby ’s death symbolizes that the dream will eventually be shatteredπŸ’€

I Comment Connor's part 2
PS: Conner is your period 2 student


  1. no one wants to comment my work. because it is so deeply for them. i know i know sorry


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