Part 1 John Xuesi Ji American dream can achive with strong team work

πŸ˜€Hi, this John,why the American dream can achive with strong team work.

In my opinion, American dream is keeping good relationship with partners in the group and have strong teamwork. Then it's possible for a group to face big risk.
This problem can connect to one Model United Nations activity I used to take part in, And it was really easy to have a group, because the group had been made by the organizer. But it was hard to keep a group or unite all the group. At the beginning, two of our group had disagreement for their ideas. None tried to stop them and our group divided into three parts-two parts disagreed with each other and one part didnt know what to do. The results was very obvious, our group performed really terrible in that activity.😱😱😱😱

Avengers: Age of Ultron also show that it is important to maintain a group to face the risk. At the beginning, the group of Avengers just split by Ultron and each of the hero defeats by Ultron though have really strong power. This is a reason why I like this movie, because this movie not show a very perfect hero and it describe a hero who is very strong with weak point. And Ultron finds the weak point and breaks the group to defeat each of them. It is really easy to defeat each of them when Avengers dont have a group. But when they form a group, Ultron is really weak even there are thousand robots. The Avengers can even destroy such big city fall from the sky.


American dream is presented in this movie, because it shows how weak a group with strong individual can be when the group cant work together and the amazing power they can have when they work together.
Though the movie is from fantasy, the idea it shows is realistic. In todays society, we can achieve anything with a group and it is important to keep a group and unite all the power the group can have. This idea is a little bit difference about the original American dream, because it used to trust that people can be successful without any help, if they work hard. But in todays society, it will be hard to be successful without any groups, because the improvement of society make the relationship among people much more important.    


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