Beth Part 2

Gatsby is constituted by what? 
1. Deep and idealistic love for Daisy. In the whole story, Gatsby chased Daisy at all costs. He always imagines that Daisy always loves himself and she would remarry with him after visiting his house. However, he does not recognize that the Daisy he loves is not the real Daisy, what he really loves is his imagination of past Daisy with purity and nobility in his memory. Therefore, he thinks if he becomes rich, he could buy their five-year love back. 
2.Yearning for wealthy status. Actually, what he loves is not only Daisy herself, but also Daisy’s wealthy status. This is why he always hides his past to others and cheats other’s his life experience. He was born in a poor famer family which he could not accept. He left his home even change his name. Why he tries to cheat others his past? When he did these things, would he feel anxious? The answer is Yes. In chapter 7, when Tom tells Daisy all his money is earned by illegal business. It is a first time Gatsby absolutely shows his “gangster” side and loses his emotion, because he doesn’t want Daisy to know these which means himself also knows what he has done is not right and he feels anxious when the hidden thing is exposed. So, let’s back to the first question, why he tries to cheat others? Now that he does feel anxious about telling lies, the reason he still does this is because he feels ignominious to have a poor beginning. So, in his heart, he always looks forward a wealthy status which is opposite to his born. Daisy is a beautiful woman with a rich family. Her appearance exactly glorifies his desire of wealth which makes his much deeper.  
My opinion about the American Dream 
From my perspective, the American dream creates too much idealistic view for them. The American Dream gives people a puzzled hint that they will get what they want once they take effects to get it. Therefore, I think American Dream is like a PLACEBO for people. (Placebo is a kind of medicine that has no medicinal effect, but it will comfort patient the autosuggestion that it takes effects.) The dream can comfort them by telling them what you want is available, but it just calms down their emotion and takes no effect at all. For example, I miss my pet dog which has been dead for 10 years. I could spend a lot of time to find another dog which is similar to mine so that it seems my pet dog is not dead, but in fact I will never change the truth my dog has been dead. 
Disagree about my opinion of placebo? Hold your horses and read the words below 
Now, let’s go back to Gatsby, both of his dreams do not come to him. He wants Daisy with purity and nobility in his memory, but he doesn’t really recognize he could not get back the past. It’s a pity that actually he is closed to recognize it. In Chapter 7, “Her voice is full of money,’ he said suddenly.” From this quotation, Gatsby in fact finds that Daisy is selfish and hoarding wealth which is unacceptable for him. However!!!The American Dream just gives him a “harmful” hope—If he takes effort, he will get his ideal Daisy. This kind of hope exactly removes his worrying and comfort him by giving him a wishful future vision. It is common that people choose to believe their imagination more than the tough truth, because everyone wants his dream to be come true. BUT, the American Dream is just a PLACEBO. It does encourage the people work hard and help them get out of the upset emotion. It could never provide medicinal effect—changing the truth, just like Daisy would never be as pure as Gatsby thinks. The society has influenced her to be hypocritical and selfish. That’s why no matter how much Gatsby has done for Daisy, Nick still “found myself on Gatsby’s side, and alone.” Daisy doesn’t even help Gatsby after he dies. 
Then, let’s talk about his chasing for rich status. Same to his chasing for Daisy. He could not accept his poor past (He even thinks he should be the son of God. Oh, God. It is really, I mean, like a kindergarten boy.) and wants to change it. He wants a wealthy and decent life. But unfortunately, people can never change their past. So, the American Dream takes effect here. It comforts Gatsby by giving him a hope that he could create a new status by working hard to get rich. Actually, Gatsby seems do it at first. But later, his real identity still be exposed. He forgets the truth people cannot change their birth and lies are always exposed. 
How to help Gatsby get his dream? 
I think the only way Gatsby could get his dream come true needs some fundamental changes to this society. The society in this story shows people’s large desire of money. The old money marriages with another old money to keep their wealth. The new money tries their best to earn money so that they could become rich. People’s fear of being poor is emphasized in this society. Daisy does not want to be with Gatsby because he is poor, so no matter herself or her family will not allow their marriage. Also, the society with too much Hedonism influences Daisy giving up her morality and true heart. For Gatsby, if people are not focus too much on their status/backgrounds or people do not regard money as the first priority, he could also accept his identity frankly. 


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